singing poem

Singing Poem

Singing Poem” is a poem by poet Robert Louis Stevenson, describing how the singing unites all the children’s across the world with the other peoples, birds and animals. It tries to show the bond between all of us in the world through singing.

As most of us hear music from the moment we are born, often via lullabies, and through many of the most important occasions in our lives, from graduations to weddings to funerals. There is something about music that seems to bring us closer to each other and help us come together as a community. It also suggests that, if we want to have a more harmonious society, we would do well to continue to include music in our—and our children’s—lives.

This short poem highlights the beauty and universality of singing, with its portrayal of birds, sailors, children, and an organ all engaged in this joyful activity. Stevenson uses simple and charming language to evoke a sense of innocence and wonder. The poem is often included in collections of his works for children.

“Singing” Poem Lyrics

Of speckled eggs the birdie sings
And nests among the trees;
The sailor sings of ropes and things
In ships upon the seas.
The children sing in far Japan,
The children sing in Spain;
The organ with the organ man
Is singing in the rain.

In the first two stanzas, Stevenson describes the different things that various creatures and people sing about. The bird sings of speckled eggs and nests, while the sailor sings about ropes and things on the sea. These descriptions evoke a sense of the particular and the personal, and show that singing can be a way of expressing what is most meaningful to us.

In the third stanza, Stevenson expands the poem’s scope by describing children singing in far-off places like Japan and Spain. By doing so, he suggests that singing is a universal human activity that transcends borders and cultures.

Finally, in the fourth stanza, Stevenson uses a vivid image of an organ being played in the rain to suggest that singing can even be a way of communing with nature. The poem ends on a joyous note, with the idea that singing can bring us together and connect us with the world around us.

Overall, “Singing” is a simple but charming poem that celebrates the beauty and universality of singing. Its imagery is playful and evocative, and its message is one of joy and connection.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ's) based on 'Singing Poem'

Answer : The “Singing Poem” was written by Robert Louis Stevenson.

Answer : The message of this poem is we should have more harmonious society, we would do well to continue to include music in our society and our children’s lives.

Answer : ‘Singing’ tries to show the bond between all of us in the world.

Answer : As we are born most of us hear music often via lullabies and most important occasion of our life also we celebrate with music so we can say singing is an important part of our life.

Answer : Singing unites all of us across the world with the other peoples. Singing that seems to bring us closer to each other and help us come together as a community.

Some more details based on "Singing Poem"

“Singing Poem” is a delightful poem written by Robert Louis Stevenson, a famous Scottish novelist, poet and travel writer. The poem celebrates the joys of singing and how it can bring happiness and comfort to the soul.

The poem begins with the speaker asking a question, “Of speckled eggs the birdie sings”, and then goes on to describe how the birdie sings happily and carefree. The poem then proceeds to talk about the different types of songs that can be sung, such as love songs, hymns, and lullabies, and how each type of song can evoke different emotions and feelings.

Stevenson’s use of simple and easy language makes this poem easily accessible to readers of all ages. The poem is also relatively short and can be enjoyed as a quick and easy read. However, despite its simplicity, “Singing Poem” manages to capture the essence of the joy that singing can bring.

One of the main characteristics of this poem is its use of imagery. Stevenson uses vivid and descriptive language to create images of birds singing and people joyfully singing together. For example, he describes how the birdie’s song “Sets all the air with quivering” and how the singers’ voices “Fill the valleys and hillsides”. This use of imagery helps to bring the poem to life and makes it easier for readers to visualize the scenes described in the poem.

Another characteristic of the poem is its message of the power of music to heal and soothe the soul. The poem suggests that singing can provide comfort during difficult times and can help to lift one’s spirits. Stevenson writes, “The little bird sits at his door in the sun, / Atilt like a blossom among the leaves, / And lets his illumined being o’errun / With the deluge of sweetest melodies.” Here, the bird is shown to be completely immersed in its singing, and the poem suggests that singing can be a form of escape from the worries and troubles of life.

Some activities for children's based on "Singing Poem"

  1. Karaoke Time: Play some instrumental music, and have the children sing along to it. You can either give them the lyrics or let them make up their own. Encourage them to dance and move around while they sing. This will help them to feel more comfortable and confident. You can also set up a “stage” area where the children can perform in front of their peers if they feel comfortable doing so.

Note: Karaoke Time is a fun way to build children’s confidence, improve their vocal skills, and encourage them to express themselves creatively. It’s also a great way to teach children about different genres of music and expose them to new songs and artists.

2. Making Musical Instruments: Give the children materials like paper plates, rubber bands, and popsicle sticks and have them create their own musical instruments. Once they’ve made them, encourage them to play their instruments and create their own music.

Note: This activity is a great way to teach children about music and rhythm while also allowing them to be creative and use their imaginations.

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