
Nature Poems

The Rainbow
The Rainbow

“The Rainbow” is the short poem by English poet Christina Rossetti, where she beautifully compare the manmade boats, ships and bridges to the natural beauty of the heaven called “The Rainbow”.

The Swing
The Swing

“The Swing” poem gives us a great remembrance of our childhood and countless afternoons spent playing with the joy of swinging. There is nothing else that brings more pleasure than the freedom of flying on a swing.


“Friends” is the poem by American author Abbie Farwell, where she describes that there are so many things in the nature that can be play the role of friends. It explains the many ways that nature, such as the Wind, Sky, and Sunshine can provide the protection from the fear like a close friend.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ's) based on 'Nature Poems'

Answer : A simply useful definition of nature poetry as poetry that “treats nature as subject matter and inspiration.” Our concepts of nature are relative, historically determined. Nature poetry is influenced by ideology, literary traditions as well as social and cultural considerations. It is the feeling of a poet about the nature around him. When we try to write the different colors of the nature then nature poem emerges.

Answer : When the poet puts the beautiful natural feelings around him in words, then a very beautiful natural poem emerges, to write a nature poem, think about what you see, hear and feel, and put it into words. A nature poem is full of the explanation of the nature beauties.

Answer : we can appreciate the beauty of the nature through showing our love and affection towards the nature by planting more trees, making a garden, serving the trees, caring for the survival of the nature, by spending the time in the lap of nature, by watching more sunsets and sharing these all the experiences with the other peoples by writing the poem on them.

Answer : We can express the smells, the sights, the sounds, the feeling, and the tastes. With poetry, beauty is expressed through words, but those words can include the metaphors, similes, assonance, and all the other wonderful poetic techniques which aren’t available in every day speech.

Answer : Nature is the very good creation of god and in the lap of nature the people live their life comfortable. Now days the people are very busy in their life but it is the poetry which tells the peoples different prospects of the different things. Nature Poetry is used as a means of passing ideas, information and expression of feelings of a poet about the nature. This has made the poets to use the natural things and images that people can relate with so that they can make these poems understandable.

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