
English rhymes from alphabet H

Happy Song
Happy Song

It is a popular repetitive children's song from the United States. Scientists have proven that giving children this song makes them smarter than other kids. Because listening to the song, these children will acquire the body parts, the human actions through the variations from the beginning.

Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

This song is a real favorite, and is a great way to teach body parts and co-ordination to the children’s, Sing the words to the song slowly and clearly, encouraging children to touch the different parts of their body in time to the words.

Hush, Little Baby
Hush, Little Baby

This song is written from the perspective of a mother who tries to console her crying child and promises him to provide a lot of things if the baby stays quiet. She mentions the list of things that the baby’s father will buy while trying to put the baby to sleep. A mother knows her child’s likes and dislikes, and she assures the baby that if these things fail to make the baby happy.

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Here are the Ladys Knives and Forks
Here are the Lady’s Knives and Forks

It is a quite tricky finger play action rhyme. All small children seem to enjoy finger play and although this rhyme was first written down in the nineteenth century, but still it may well be order.

Hickory Dickory Dock
Hickory Dickory Dock

The rhyme is thought to have been based on the astronomical clock at Exeter Cathedral. The clock has a small hole in the door below the face for the resident cat to hunt mice. This is an elementary tool to help teaching children the time.

Hot Cross Buns
Hot Cross Buns

It is a popular traditional Easter song as well as street cry about the sweet, which is eaten on Good Friday. They are small pieces of spicy cakes; also called buns made with raisins and candied citrus fruits. They usually have a "cross" made of icing on their top.

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Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty

At its origins it was a riddle, and the egg was probably the best riddle’s answer. With this rhyme, the children’s can taught to be careful with heights, or need to take care of things that they have, Because as the rhyme states once they broken then cannot always be fixed.

How many days has my baby to play
How Many Days Has My Baby to Play ?

It is a traditional educational rhyme, great to help kids learn all the seven days of the week and the order of the days. This song is ideal for morning meeting, circle time, brain breaks, indoor recess and group activities. Each time you repeat the catchy tune you do it in a different way, such as varying the volume, clapping, and stomping.

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Hokey Cokey
Hokey Cokey

It is a joyful kids' nursery rhyme and participation song. Most often it is performed as an action songs or dancing songs where children must perform certain actions during the lyrics. At the social gatherings, this song encourages to dance in a group.

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