Come, Let's to Bed

Come Lets to Bed

Come Lets to Bed” also known as “To Bed, To Bed” or “Sleepy Head” is another rhyme from the traditional rhyme collection. The origins of the rhyme are unknown, but it has been used for centuries to calm children before bed. It is very popular in the USA and Great Britain, as first published in “Traditional Nursery Songs of England with Pictures by Eminent Modern Artists” by Sir Henry Cole in 1843 and later republished in the beloved “The Little Mother Goose” in 1912.

It is a short rhyme and can be sung before eating supper, or as a lullaby. The rhyme is often accompanied by a hand game where the child holds hands with the person reciting the rhyme and the hands are rocked back and forth as the words are spoken.

“Come Let’s To Bed” Lyrics

To bed! To bed!
Says Sleepy-head;
Tarry awhile, says Slow;
Put on the pan,
Says Greedy Nan;
We’ll sup before we go.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ's) based on “Come Let’s To Bed”

Answer : This rhyme was written by Geoffrey Chaucer.

Answer : This rhyme was written in English language.

Answer : This rhyme was firstly published in “Traditional Nursery Songs of England with Pictures by Eminent Modern Artists” by Sir Henry Cole.

Answer : The rhyme was published in 1843.

Answer: The purpose of the rhyme is to calm children before bed and encourage them to sleep by personifying the concept of sleepiness and suggesting they have a small meal or warm drink before sleeping.

Answer: Sleepy-head is personified as a character representing the idea of sleepiness.

Answer: The final line is “We’ll sup before we go,” which reinforces the idea of having a small meal before bed and suggests that the child and the person reciting the rhyme will enjoy a snack together before sleeping.

Some more details based on “Come Let’s To Bed”

The first line of the rhyme, “Come let’s to bed,” is a gentle invitation for the child to go to sleep. The second line, “says Sleepy-head,” personifies the idea of sleepiness as a character, helping to make the concept of sleep more relatable and friendly to the child.

The third line, “Tarry awhile, says Slow,” encourages the child to take their time in falling asleep and not rush the process. The fourth line, “Put on the pan, says Greedy-nan,” is a reference to a time when people would eat a small meal before going to bed, often in the form of a hot drink like tea or cocoa. This line encourages the child to have a warm drink before sleeping.

The final line of the rhyme, “We’ll sup before we go,” reinforces the idea of having a small meal before bed, as well as suggesting that the child and the person reciting the rhyme will enjoy a snack together before going to sleep.

Overall, “Come Let’s to Bed” is a gentle and soothing nursery rhyme that has helped countless children feel more comfortable and secure as they drift off to sleep.

Some activities for children's based on "Come Let’s To Bed"

  1. Bedtime Storytime: Read different bedtime stories to the children, including stories related to “Come Let’s To Bed,” and encourage them to talk about their own bedtime routines and rituals. You can also encourage the children to use their imaginations and make up their own bedtime stories or characters related to the theme of “Come Let’s To Bed.”

Note: This activity promotes language development and helps children learn about bedtime routines. It also encourages imagination and creativity.

  1. Pajama Party: Have a pajama party with the children and encourage them to bring their favorite stuffed animals and blankets. You can play soothing music, read bedtime stories, and have a bedtime snack. To begin the activity, you can have the children participate in some quiet games or activities, such as coloring or puzzles. This will help them to relax and get comfortable before moving on to other activities. 

The Pajama Party activity is a great way to promote social interaction, relaxation, and healthy bedtime routines. It also creates a sense of comfort and security among the children and helps them develop positive associations with bedtime.

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