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Rhymes for kids

Children for generations have enjoyed their parents, or grandparents, saying or singing rhymes to them. The comforting rhythm of the verses means that even at a very early age, babies recognise familiar rhymes.
They start by anticipating what is going to come, be it a word, sound or action, and later they grasp the words and love joining in, over and over again! It’s the very repetition that they enjoy.
Rhymes for kids are a valuable way to introduce the sounds of a language and practice speaking in a fun and motivational way. Rhymes are portable playthings.
Parents and children can say them at any time or in any place to change a mood or fill a bored moment with fun. Rhymes need no toy, equipment or even a book to set a scene; they depend on the sound of the voice reciting the language to stimulate play.


Not only are rhymes a pleasure to hear and to share, they provide a building block toward literacy. By playing with the short texts of rhymes, children explore the mechanics of the language.
A rhyme, for young children, is a complete, short experience, which fits well with their limited attention span. It is like a compact story: it has a beginning and an end, and its own content.
Once children have worked out these sequences, they feel confident, as they know that the language content is fixed, even if the speed of reciting might alter to match a mood.
Although you may not remember all the words anymore, there’s a high chance that, when you were younger, you were sung a number of different rhymes. And there’s a good reason for that!
Often sung to babies and children, nursery rhymes have a long and rich history in a number of countries. Whether you’re looking for classic English rhymes, British rhymes, French rhymes,Chinese rhymes, any Indian rhymes, the most popular rhymes or the most interactive rhymes for kids, you’ll find them all here.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ's) based on 'Rhymes'

Rhymes are a collection of words, sentences and lines for children from where children learn to speak and memorize by listening to them at their young age, beautiful pictures are also used in these rhymes which attract children to take interest in them and prepare children begin to sit, rhymes support children’s language development and early literacy and reading skills.

Rhymes : Rhymes is a simple and easy composition of chosen words to be taught to children, which are integrated into rows to teach children, which children can easily remember. Songs are often spoken, music of a rhyme is not fix.

Song : A song is a musical composition in which songs are sung for voice or voices. The song consists of music, the songs are performed to entertain the people.

Poetry : Poems are the composition of the words emanating from the heart of the poet, which takes its place in the mind of other people, the emotions in the poems are captured and the words are very lovingly threaded. There is no repetition of lines in poems.

Rhymes : Rhymes are rows threaded with words in which simple words are selected so that the children can remember them easily, there are repetitions of the lines in the rhymes so that the children can repeat them easily.

Children have their own importance in primary classes because in these classes young children listen to these songs very enthusiastically and learn these songs very easily, which is the very strong source of their knowledge.

'बालगीत' पर आधारित अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न

बालगीत बच्चों के लिए शब्दों, वाक्यों और पंक्तियों का संग्रह हैं जहाँ से बच्चें अपनी छोटी उम्र में इनको सुन-सुन कर बोलना व याद करना सीखते हैं, इन बालगीतों में सुन्दर चित्रों का इस्तेमाल भी किया जाता है जिससे आकर्षित होकर बच्चें शिक्षा में रूचि लेना व बैठना शुरू कर देते हैं, बालगीत बच्चों के भाषा के विकास और शुरुआती साक्षरता और पढ़ने के कौशल का समर्थन करते हैं।

बालगीत: बालगीत बच्चों को सिखाये जाने वाले चुने हुए शब्दों की सरल व सुगम रचना है जिसको बच्चों को सिखाने के लिए पंक्तियों में समेटा जाता है, यह बच्चों को आसानी से याद हो जाती है। बालगीत प्रायः बोले जाते हैं तथा बालगीतों के लिए कोई सगीत तय नहीं होता।

गीत : गीत एक संगीत रचना है जिसमें आवाज़ या आवाज़ के लिए गीत गाए जाते हैं। गीत में संगीत का समावेश होता है, गीत लोगो के मनोरंजन के लिए गाए जाते है।

कविता : कविताएँ कवि के मन से निकली हुई भावो की शब्दों में ढली हुई वह रचना होती है जो सामने वाले के मन में अपनी जगह बना ही लेती हैं। कविताओं में भावनाओं को जीवंत किया जाता है और शब्दों को बहुत प्रेम से पिरोया जाता है, कविताओ में पंक्तियों का दोहराव नहीं होता।

बालगीत : बालगीत शव्दों से पिरोई गई पंक्तिया होती हैं जिनमे सरल शब्दों का चयन किया जाता है जिससे बच्चें उन्हें आसानी से याद कर सके, बालगीतों में पंक्तियों का दोहराव होता है जिससे बच्चें उसे आसानी से दोहरा सकें।

प्राथमिक कक्षाओ में बालगीतों का अपना ही एक महत्व है क्योकि इन कक्षाओ में छोटे बच्चों द्वारा इन बालगीतों को बहुत ही उत्साह से बार –बार सुनने व प्रसन्न होकर गाने पर ये उन्हें आसानी से कंठस्त हो जाते है जो की उनके ज्ञानवर्धन का एक मजबूत व महत्वपूर्ण स्त्रोत हैं।

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